Chef and active competitor Alan Murchison provides three great smoothie recipes, perfect for that post-exercise re-fuelling. Get blending and give them a try.

Quite often after a long run or a lengthy bike ride, my appetite isn’t that great. But it is critical for your recovery that you eat and or drink as soon as possible. Is it well documented that the 10 minutes post exercise window is the optimum time to re-fuel. For me there is nothing I love more than smoothies. They are cheap, easy and convenient to make. Each of these smoothies is very different in texture and flavour.

1. Banana, yogurt & honey

My honey and banana smoothie is the perfect balance of carbohydrate and protein. Also very easy to digest as I suggest you use soya milk or brown rice milk as opposed to cow’s milk in many smoothies, although cow’s milk is fine if you prefer. This is just great for a pre-ride filler.


  • 3 medium ripe bananas
  • 2 tbsp rolled oats
  • 3 tbsp low fat natural yoghurt
  • 1 handful of ice
  • 500ml unsweetened soya or brown rice milk
  • 2 tbsp runny honey

Throw everything into a blender and blitz until smooth, eat straight away as the bananas and protein powder form a gluey alliance when left to sit for any length of time.

2. Green machine

Green machine is light, refreshing and leaves you with a feeling of self righteousness for the rest of the day. High in vitamin C and loaded with nutrients, it’s a real pick me up.

I use this smoothie as a bit of a pick me up and maybe when I’ve strayed 'off piste' and eaten badly (we all do this, accept it and get back on the wagon)! A bit of green stuff always makes you feel better. It will sound like a terrible combo but trust me, it's tasty, clean and very refreshing.


  • 6 large mint leaves
  • 500ml Cloudy apple juice
  • I large handful of fresh kale
  • 1 large bowl of fresh spinach leaves
  • 1 large handful of ice
  • 2 granny smith apples, cored and chopped with skin on
  • 20 seedless grapes

Blitz until smooth.

3. Red berry, cranberry & beetroot

Beetroot and berry combines some of my favourite super foods including blueberries, beetroot juice, cranberry juice. It is damn tasty and a great way of packing in lots of fruit. I like this after a heavy run or bike session as the naturally high sugar content from the fruit is great for a quick energy burst.


  • 2 packets of fresh blueberries
  • 2 bananas
  • 1 packet of fresh raspberries or strawberries
  • 1 packet of fresh blackberries
  • 250ml cranberry juice
  • 400ml beetroot juice (Beet It is my preferred brand)
  • 1 large handful of ice