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11 Things That Can Boost Your Health That You Don't Know About

Written by realbuzz team | 03 Dec 2018

Think you know what’s healthy and what’s not? You may be in for a shock. There are things out there you may not be aware are good for you.

Everyone knows that there are some obvious things you can do to benefit your health and wellbeing. But you might be surprised to find that these lesser known tricks and tips will also provide a great overall health boost! Take and look and see which you fancy…

1. Photography

If you regularly take photographs on a holiday or night out or at a sporting event, this may be no bad thing.

Research suggests that recalling good memories and having a positive view of the past can help boost happiness levels and health.

But according to experts we actually find it more difficult to recall good memories than bad ones.

So if you have trouble focusing on happy memories put together some photo albums - you could always make online albums or share photos via social media - of your favourite moments for an instant health and happiness boost.

2. Stress test

While we all know about the health dangers of long-term stress , stress in short bursts can actually strengthen your immune system.

In cases of acute stress, the body prepares itself for danger or threat – known as the fight-or-flight response - through the release of hormones including cortisol, which causes a short term boost to the immune system.

So next time you find yourself getting tense before a job interview, presentation or big sports match, take consolation in the fact that you are doing your immune system a favour.

3. Surfing the web

Think that browsing Facebook and searching for information or online celebrity gossip is a waste of time? Think again. Researchers in the US have found surfing the web helps boost brain health in people who are middle-aged or older.

It could even prevent some of the effects that ageing has on the brain. The study found that browsing the internet stimulated the areas of the brain that control language and memory as well as helping to improve decision-making and complex reasoning.

4. Crying

We all know that laughter is the best medicine - but the surprising news is that shedding some tears could also do wonders for your health.

Researchers in Florida found that 88.8 per cent of people feel better after crying, while it has been suggested it helps release the chemicals that build up in our bodies during times of stress.

So, next time you feel yourself welling up after a weepy movie or emotional day, give your health and mood a boost by letting the tears flow.

5. Housework

Keeping your home clean and tidy could help you stay fit and healthy and keep off those extra pounds.

The average person walks more than 22 miles and burns off 50,000 calories a year while cleaning their home, making it a great alternative to the gym .

6. Fatty acids

If you regularly spend hours in the gym trying to trim inches off your thighs or buttocks, it may be time you stopped and showed your curves a little appreciation instead.

While you may despair of your curvy rear end, research shows that fat stored in this area mops up harmful fatty acids, contains an anti-inflammatory that prevents arteries from clogging, and cuts your risk of heart disease, diabetes and stroke.

7. Immune system boost

While it is generally good to pay attention to hygiene, a little bit of dirt could be better for you than you think.

Research suggests that exposure to friendly bacteria found in soil can actually help boost the immune system and alleviate depression.

8. Old friends

Research suggests that your friends can help you live longer by reducing feelings of depression and stress, and encouraging you to look after your health.

A study by Brigham Young University in the US found that having a good social network boosts your survival chances by 50 per cent, while having few friends affects you longevity as much as smoking 15 cigarettes a day.

9. Press on your positive points

Press down on the area right above the pupils and halfway between the eyebrows and hairline for approximately one minute.

When you're stressed, this exercise can bring the blood into the prefrontal cortex, which helps you make more thoughtful decisions to benefit the body and mind.

10. Foods High in Calcium

A study done at the University of Tennessee found that people who consumed lots of calcium a day lost almost double the amount of weight as those who were not getting enough calcium in their diet.

To help boost your metabolism, eat plenty of foods high in calcium . If you are unable to get enough of these foods, then you should consider taking a calcium supplement.

11. Breathe Deeply

The first thing to do whenever you're stressed or feeling sluggish is stop and take a few long, deep breaths. Close your eyes and breathe slowly — in through your nose, out through your mouth — and repeat this until your heart rate slows.

Meditative breathing like this increases the amount of oxygen in your bloodstream, which can help lower your blood pressure and heart rate and can relax tense muscles. With each breath, you'll deliver energy-giving oxygen to every cell in your body.