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Basic Coarse Fishing Kit For Beginners

Written by realbuzz team | 08 Jun 2017

Want to know what basic coarse fishing kit you need to get started? Check out this handy guide that will tell you the gear a beginner needs as a bare minimum.


There are three key fishing questions that you will need to consider when buying coarse fishing gear:

  1. What kinds of water are you likely to be fishing in?
  2. What species of fish do they hold?
  3. What methods do you plan to use to catch them?

The fishing rod

A good fishing rod is the most important tool this sport requires. It needs to be light, well balanced and almost an extension of the anglers arm. The beginner should look to buy what’s called a ‘through action float rod’ which will give a very smooth curve when playing a fish.

Firstly, pick your budget and stick to it. However, it always pays to buy the best you can afford. The most important areas to look at when choosing a rod are the length, weight and the material it is constructed from.

The fishing reel

The most common sort of reel for use in coarse fishing is the fixed-spool reel, and brands such a Mitchell, Daiwa and Ryobi are very popular. A closed-face reel is an option, but these if not used properly do have a tendency to tangle more easily so should perhaps be left until you have a bit more competency with a reel.

The landing net for fishing

This is a vital piece of equipment as you don’t want to be in a position of catching that dream fish and not being able to land it. The most important consideration when choosing one is that the net is constructed of the safety mesh material, which will prevent any damage to the fish.

Tackle boxes for anglers

The tackle box falls into two types:

  • Small tackle box for your selection of floats hooks and any other small accessories needed.
  • Large tackle box for all your other tackle including, reels and bait boxes.

Footwear for fishing

This is an essential part of your equipment that should be waterproof and have a secure grip on slippery surfaces. Even if you are fishing somewhere on a dry day, the early start will often mean a damp dewy start and you don’t want to start your day with wet footwear.

Hooks for fishing

Hook sizes get smaller as the number gets bigger. For the beginners first time at the sport a size 10 to 16 should be adequate.

Accessories for fishing

In addition to the gear we have described previously, there are a number of other items that every angler should own:

Disgorger – these are excellent tools for removing hooks from the fish’s mouth.

Scissors – these will be used for cutting the line if need be and squeezing the shot onto the line.

Catapult – the catapult is used to launch your bait to where your float and bait is situated.

Floats – always take the trouble to ensure that your choice of float is suitable for the kind of fishing you are doing.

One of the most common mistakes beginners make is buying a float that is too light, especially when fishing in running water or windy conditions. Never fall into the trap that of fishing more advantageously with too light a float, often your presentation will suffer due to this. It is far better to use a float that is a little heavier and which is shot correctly for the best control needed.

There are a vast choice of floats. Choose a float that is clearly visible, and also look at the conditions of weather you will be experiencing.There are many different kinds of floats for specific types of fishing. It is best to build up your collection slowly and finding out what each type is used for.