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7 Top Tips To Spring-Clean Your Life

Written by realbuzz team | 15 Apr 2019

Spring-cleaning is that feel-good task, which helps us get our homes ship-shape just before summer calls us to the great outdoors. But what if we told you, it didn’t have to stop there?

There are so many parts of your life that could see the benefits of a little shake up before winter creeps back in. Here are seven ways to make it happen:

1. Revamp your fitness routine

Whether you’re fully committed to your exercise regime or don’t know where to start, a change in your fitness habits can have a huge impact on your life. Set yourself a challenge like a 10K run to give yourself a goal to focus on, or experiment with new classes like trampolining or yoga. As well as keeping you in shape and giving you a real sense of achievement, the endorphins boost will help keep stress at bay.

2. Get in the zone

As our day to day lives get busier, people are rediscovering the need for a little “me” time.  For some people, all it takes is a hot bath and some chill-out music. But yoga, meditation and mindfulness are on the rise as go-to relaxation techniques. Meditation is a good way to focus on positivity and calmness, whereas Yoga gives your physical health a boost, as well as helping relieve stress and anxiety. There are a lot of things you can do to clear your mind. The key is to make time for yourself to do it.

3. Refine your relationships

It’s only natural that as we grow and change, our friendships do too. A big way to change up your life is to only focus on the friendships that really make you happy. If you’re really feeling the strain with some people, it’s probably worth asking yourself: do you really want to put more time into that relationship? Or would it be better spent elsewhere? Removing negativity wherever you can, is a great way to declutter your life.

4. Unplug

Phones, laptops and tablets mean that we have an endless supply of entertainment at our fingertips. But it’s all too easy to let that distract you from other things you could be doing. Instead of trawling social media, look for new hobbies to take up. You could try a new sport, learn a craft or get stuck into a really good book. Making the most of your time away from tech can help you to feel more productive and massively boost your mood.

5. Declutter

Even after a good clean up, our homes, workspaces and even cars can still be filled with things we don’t need. A thorough sort-out-and-throw-out session can be very therapeutic- as the saying goes – “tidy home, tidy mind”. Give yourself a talking to - how many of the clothes in your wardrobe do you actually wear? How many CDs do you have collecting dust for nostalgia’s sake? There are loads of ways to declutter, from donating things to charity, selling online or finally making a trip to the tip. If you plan this alongside your big spring clean, getting organised at home will be a breeze.

6. Change up your diet

Some foods are just too good to say no to. But if you’ve found you’re saying yes to more and more things you know you shouldn’t- it’s time for a diet rethink. It’s important to make sure you’re getting a balance of nutrients, and a variety of fruit and veg will definitely help you out here. We can all get a little uninspired when it comes to eating a clean diet. Try switching up the meals you eat regularly and experiment with new healthy recipes. Fakeaways (healthy versions of takeaways) are a brilliant way to help you stay on track.

7. Set yourself a budget

There’s something immensely satisfying about checking your balance at the end of the month, and seeing that you’ve got some cash to spare. Saving for a rainy day is always a good idea, but it’s easier than most of us think. Forgo that expensive daily coffee, and invest in a travel cup so you can brew up at home. Packed lunches will help you keep your mid-day meal healthy, tasty and save you loads of money. Saving up for a holiday or to treat yourself gives you something to look forward to, and you’ll have a real sense of pride at seeing how much you’ve managed to squirrel away.