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How To Get Through A Quarter-Life Crisis

Written by realbuzz team | 15 Apr 2019

There are many theories why so many people who should be at one of the most exciting times of their lives are so stressed and concerned for the future. For some this will manifest itself as what’s known as a quarter-life crisis. It can be an uncertain time - but don’t despair – we’ve got some useful advice about how to deal with it.

Do you feel like everyone’s having a better time than you?

In this age of social media when everyone’s sharing the amazing trips that they’ve been on and the stunning meals they’ve enjoyed and you’re stuck at home with beans on toast for tea, it really can seem like you’re missing out.

But it’s important to remember that people only post the parts of their lives that they want others to see. If you talk to friends openly and honestly about how you feel it’s very likely that they are experiencing the same emotions as you much of the time. Knowing you’re all in the same boat does give invaluable reassurance that you’re not alone.

Does it seem like you can never really be honest about your feelings?

Although at times it can seem like the world is ready to overshare in so many ways, being open and honest about your feelings can still be tricky for some. Whether it’s a reluctance to show vulnerability or simply not having the right words to express it, it can really stand in the way of feeling truly happy.

Admitting that your life’s not perfect can be hard to talk about it to friends or family. However, when you do, you’re likely to find far more sympathy than you might have expected – no one is perfect and everyone has something they’d like to improve. Just let it all out to someone close to you and you’ll see it’s not just you, and you may well feel relieved to know that.

Are you uncertain about what the future holds?

Unlike the typical midlife crisis symptoms which are generally concerned with a melancholy nostalgia for the past, for younger people, it’s more a case of not being sure what the future has in store for them. So it’s a matter of trying to set targets to aim for over reasonable and achievable periods of time and doing all you can to work towards them. If you’re going to draw up an action plan like this, it’s also going to be important to have a flexible attitude too. Be open to change and new opportunities – the world really is your oyster, you’ve just got to forge your own path.

Are you confused about what you want from life?

Ask most people what they want from life and the chances are that they’ll say it’s to be financially secure, to have a good career and a settled family life. They may even say they want to be supremely rich, famous and successful.

Ask yourself what would genuinely make you happy? It could be to travel widely or to head off down a path that has always really interested you. Now is the time of your life when you can start to put these plans into action – the future is what you make it.

Do you feel stuck in a rut?

We’ve all been there – whether it’s with a job or even a group of friends we’ve outgrown or a routine we’re stuck in. There are so many ways to change up your life. Anything from taking up a new pastime or even going to evening classes to learn a new language can help to put a new spring in your step. It’ll also bring you into contact with a new social circle.

Or you could focus on getting fit and following some healthy lifestyle tips – get your endorphins pumping and you’ll feel a real sense of achievement.

Do you think you’re failing to live up to your potential?

It’s important to remember that life’s a marathon, not a sprint. When targets are as precisely defined as getting a certain mark in an essay or an exam achievement, it’s fairly black and white whereas, in life, success can be a grey area. Ultimately it’s not about money, a big house or rising up the career ladder – it’s about being true to yourself and doing exactly what you want to, when you want to. Success is 100 per cent about being happy.