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Kick-Start Your Health And Fitness Journey

Written by realbuzz team | 19 Mar 2018

Whether you’re looking to improve your diet, lead a more active lifestyle or take on a new health or fitness challenge, look no further than for all of the help, support and advice you’ll need.

Where do I start?

You’ve probably heard this quote a million times before, but it still rings true. The first step is always the hardest, but we’re here to make it a little easier.

We’ve broken down the six steps you need to take in order to kick-start your health and fitness journey. You’ll find everything you need to know in this article. Consider this your ultimate guide to getting started in health and fitness…

1. Read these articles:

Don’t make the mistake of setting yourself vague, unrealistic targets such as ‘lose weight’ or ‘get healthier’. Instead, try out these 10 health and fitness resolutions.

If you’re looking to improve your diet, here are 10 tips on how you can simply and effectively change your diet for the better.

Here are seven of the most common fitness fears people face and reasons why you shouldn’t let them affect your training any longer.  

Check out these seven easy steps to help you make the most of your workouts and focus your training to achieve the results you want.

2. Pick a challenge:

Now that you’ve eased yourself in with some gentle reading, it’s time to pick a challenge. We’ve got over 40 different health and fitness challenges on the site, so whether you want to run a 5k, take on a marathon, improve your sleep or go a month without alcohol - we can help. 

Each challenge includes a tailored training plan written with you in mind and articles to help you every step of the way. Whatever your goal, we'll help you get there. 

If it doesn't challenge you, it doesn't change you. -Fred Devito

3. Start a blog:

Setting yourself a challenge gives you something to focus on and having a goal to aim for will help you to get out of bed and go for an early morning run, or say no to one of the biscuits being offered in the office.

Keep track of your progress and connect with our ever-growing community by starting your own blog today. We provide you with the platform to chart your own fitness journey and interact with our inspiring community who support and motivate one another.

If you find yourself struggling for motivation one day, you can look back at the ups and downs of your training and see just how far you’ve come. The support you’ll receive from other members of the realbuzz community will also spur you on towards your goals, and who knows, your efforts might even earn you a place on the Wall of Fame…

4. Take a long, hard look at your diet:

If you really want to make progress with your health and fitness, then you will need to make an effort to maintain a balanced diet.  

We've got a wealth of informative articles on nutrition, including  easy ways to cut calories  and foods that can boost the effects of exercise.  

If you’ve struggled to lose weight in the past, but aren’t sure why, these 10 reasons might enlighten you with the answer. And if you’re looking for some inspiration for tasty, healthy meals, then check out the recipe section of the site.  

5. Complete an event for charity

Looking for an event to really challenge you and provide focus for your training? Check out our partner events to see which events you can take part in for charity and consider making your fitness experience doubly rewarding by fundraising for a charity close to your heart.

As well as providing you with extra motivation for your training, completing an event for a charity will also give you access to support from personal trainers, sports massages, VIP post race receptions and help with your fundraising.

6. Enjoy it!

The last (and perhaps most important) thing to remember is to enjoy your training!

It’s a lot easier to stick to something when you enjoy it and once you do get into the habit of exercising and healthy eating, it will soon become second nature to you.